Thursday, June 01, 2006


Finally, a blog. The 1st purpose of this will be to show our family and friends the progress of our new house that we're in the process of building. The builder told me that he would have the house done in 100 days. I'm putting him to the test and documenting every single day, right here, on the web, for everyone to see. Starting with Day 1. I actually don't have a picture of day 1, which is just a hole in the ground. A really really big hole. But, I do have pictures starting with day 2.

The other purpose of this blog is to keep a record of all the idiotic things that I think about when I get bored at work. I need a permanent way to document the ramblings, and figured this would be a great place to put them.

I apologize in advance.

Proceed at your own risk.

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