Friday, June 23, 2006

Day 38

Not much has happened in the past few days. They did manage to get the tar paper laid down on the roof, but I didn't want to bother posting a picture of that. Imagine the same picture as below, only with a black roof. I was at the house this morning and saw that they hadn't even delivered the shingles yet or the siding. So, I doubt any of that will be done today. Hopefully the window guy will come and get that out of the way.

Met with the Electrician this morning for an initial walk-thru. We pointed out where we wanted the lights, outlets, phone jack and switches. Pretty painless stuff. He said they'll be at the house Friday, Monday and Tuesday and will have the wiring completely finished.

I have a feeling next week is going to bring a lot of action. I'd like the exterior work to be completely finished, so the interior work can get crackin full steam ahead. But, we'll see.

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