Finally... they put those two basement windows in.
They were also working on the mud today when we stopped in. 2 diligent hispanic fellas were sanding and reapplying mud, and walking around on those cool stilts.

For some reason, having those two windows in feels like a giant step has been taken in completing the house. Maybe it's my OCD acting up, but it just bothered me that all the windows were in, except those two. It's not systematic to do a few windows here, and then do a few there. I like systems, and I like to stick to the system. When people stray from the system, I feel uneasy. Like when someone gets into my truck with dirty shoes. That's the kind of uneasiness I was feeling. I know Chad is with me when I say that. Having those missing windows probably drove him nuts. It drives him nuts knowing that we have a washer and dryer that don't match. No... I'm not kidding. Apparently, I like my friends to have a little OCD in em too.
Your washer and dryer don't match?
Ummmmm....I kinda wish you wouldn't have mentioned that. Now it's kind of bugging me...
Its bad enough knowing about it, but before long I'm gonna have to see it any time I come through the garage at the new pad.
So yeah...the OCD thing?
*points to my eyes, then to your eyes, then back to mine*
*then back to yours again so they're even*
I feel you there.
Looks like OCD enjoys company at the Windbreaker household.
I like it.
I like it, a lot.
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