Not much excitement on Day 55 as far as house pictures go, but they did manage to spray on the wall and ceiling texture. I'm really not sure what the next step in the process is. If I had to guess, I'd say that they would probably get the HVAC ducts in, and the furnace. I know flooring and paint is somewhere towards the end, and the finish plumbing is after that. So, the cabinets, countertops, and trim needs to take place sometime. It's pretty much a guessing game for me here on out.
You know how you see people on commericials walking along on a rainy day, then all of the sudden out of nowhere, a car comes by and completely soaks em in water. I used to think that was some sort of made up scenerio that only happened on Hollywood sets.
Until today.
It had been raining all day, and I was leaving work, minding my own business on my 1/2 mile walk to the parking lot. I was walking on a sidewalks next to a street that is rarely travelled on because its right next a county jail and an "adult store". I saw a car coming at me, I saw multiple puddles between us, I thought to myself "If that car hits that puddle, there's no way that water is going to make it clear over here and get you wet, you're safe". Then, I saw the car hit a puddle about 20 feet in front of me, and that water shot across the sidewalk like it was coming out of a firehose. There was another puddle right next to me, and as the car approached I thought to myself "Oh my God.... it's really gonna happen", and I froze, like a deer in headlights.
The car hit that puddle, and the entire right side of my body was completely soaked in muddy water. I kept walking like it didn't happen, but out of my peripheral vision, I saw a group of 4 people across the street unable to hold back their laughter. Pretend you have a mouth full of beer or pop and someone just said something insanely funny, and you try to hold it in. That's what these people looked like.
I looked at them, shrugged my shoulders, and said "That sucked". I'm not sure what I expected them to do, maybe I was looking for a little sympathy. Instead, I got several outburts of laughter.
I understand where they're coming from. Had I been in their place, I would have done the exact same thing.
I also wanted to add that I really do have a 1/2 mile walk from my parking lot to my building. There's an 18 month waiting list to get into the parking ramp right next to our building. So, I'm SOL unless a lot of people get laid off, or end up dying in the next few months. Let's pray for a little of both. Kidding of course. Kind of. ;-)