They're also working on the last section of finish carpentry. They're running the quarter round trim, and it looks like they're about 60% done. They have all the main rooms done, with just the 3 bedrooms remaining.
It's funny that I'm getting requests to tell the story that I promised last week. Some through email, some by phone, and some through the comments section here. So, as promised, here's how I became hero, for a day.
Midnight on Wednesday, August 2nd.... both of us are sleeping soundly in our bed. Rambo runs downstairs and starts barking at something. It's nothing new, because if he hears a peep outside, he feels the need to bark at it. Lot's of times people will be walking by, or neighbors will be leaving late at night, and without hesitation, Rambo, and sometimes Zella will bark at them.
I actually like this little K9 built in feature that comes standard with all Labs because it turns away "would be" burglars pretty quickly.
After the 10 seconds of barking was over, I was drifting back into a gracefull slumber, when I heard Andrea say "Rich... I heard some voices downstairs". If I had the energy, I would have given a little giggle, but I was tired, so I chose to exercise my selective hearing, and attempt to drift away. Then, I get an arm shake... "Rich, there's someone downstairs... I'm not kidding".
Pulse increases.... adrenoline starts to flow... and things just went from funny to serious in about 0.000000006 seconds.... and I instantly go into protection mode.
I grab my little friend, who I like to call my "Magnum Research Polymer Baby Eagle 9mm semi-auto, cocked and locked with a clip full of Spear Gold Dot hollow points", and I head downstairs slowly.
I peaked around corners, I checked behind doors, I looked outside every window in the house to try and get a glimpse of the mysterious voices from below. I came up empty, and I was disappointed. I was disappointed in the fact that I wouldn't get to fight a burglar in my Hanes boxer briefs. Because I have a pretty good feeling that would be a great story to pass down to my kids someday.
"Daddy beat up a burglar in his underwear" just seems to roll off the tongue.
I'm pretty sure the noise the dogs hears heard was from a car parked in front of our house. The car's dome light was still on, which leads me to believe that someone had just recently gotten out of the car and gone into a neigbors house, and caused the dogs to bark.
So, there you have it. I succesfully chased away the boogie man, and was a hero for a day.
Albeit, a slightly sunburned, underwear only wearing hero with a loaded gun... but a hero nonetheless.
Whether he was in his underwear or not glad to hear my brother was the "protector" of his domain. Unfortunately, when you marry into the Kneifl family you also marry into the jokes. Take it from someone who still gets stories brought up to them from when they were 8. I'm just glad to share the wealth with my favorite sister-in-law!!!
I'm glad to see that Andrea is carrying on the Kneifl women tradition. That is the men have their story and the women, of course, tell THE story ;-)
That's really freaky. Chad told me a bit about it, but I never heard the fact that you heard a voice say, "Rambo, quiet." That's scary.
I do love the picture of Rich peeking around corners and being all police like in his underwear though. Hilarious...but still scary.
So last night I'm watching the movie Mr. & Mrs. Smith. Brad Pitt was going around the house in his white boxers holding a gun chasing his wife(the enemy). So I see now how that could be interpreted as sexy.
protective...one 9 in my shorts. one 375 in my right hand incase he runs fast. one 12ga sawed off if he is just stupid !!!! .....3 things a man can not have 2 much of.............protection is one of them. p. s. the 9 is old skool 20 round clips not 10
It was my Baby Eagle 9, not the Smith and Wesson. I only need 10 shots, because I've never missed 10 in a row.
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