Day #1 we all flew in and stayed in West Palm Beach at Wilson's pad. We sat on his deck in 85 degree weather and enjoyed beverages all afternoon. We hit the town that night and found ourselves entered into a Beer Pong tournament. My partner was Johnson, and we made it the farthest of any of our friends, falling one game short of the finals. Needless to say, the beer was flowing, and the night flew by with enough laughs to make your abs sore the next morning.
Bright and early the following AM we rented this beauty:
We hit the road for Key West and stayed at Boyd's Campgrounds. I highly recommend this place, as it's facilities are excellent. Great hookups, showers, patios... etc.
There is a tradition that we have Leisure suit night every year, and this year was no exception. We took over the town of Key West in fine fashion. Check it out:

The next day we hit the road for Key Largo, and spent that night at the beach in the RV. Johnson and I both got stung by jellyfish, but they were only the size of golf balls, so it wasn't anything major. It's pretty cool to say that I've been stung by a jellyfish.
This is right outside our RV parking spot where we hung out for most of the day enjoying cocktails:

All in all it was a fantastic and much needed trip.
The weather was excellent, the company was superb, and the RV was the cherry on top of it all.
Can't wait for a new adventure next year.
I miss the sun, and the smell of an RV toilet that had *at least* 25 dumps taken in it.
No joke. ;-)